Support Us

Give life to Paesaggi Musicali Toscani

What it means to support the season

It means becoming part of a community that promotes the values of great Italian and international musical culture, immersed in the natural and cultural treasures of the Val d’Orcia.

With your support you can become a part of the support of the beautiful Val d’Orcia.

Together we will contribute to the realisation of one of the most important cultural and musical events in the region.

How to support us

Your donation will allow you to enjoy some exclusive benefits.

You will have the opportunity to live a unique experience between music and landscapes considered among the most beautiful in the world. You will be part of the Val d’Orcia territory and will be able to feel its values and culture first-hand.

Our way of saying thank you!

With a donation of
1000€ and more you can get

Reserved table
at the Vignoni dinner.

Free admission
to some concerts.

Appearance of signature
or company logo
on the P.M.T. wall.

Delivery of the certificate
of Maecenas 2025.


Organizing, with our experience and collaboration walks in the area,
guided tours of wineries and places of art, inviting your best friends or clients.

Art Bonus

By supporting Paesaggi Musicali Toscani you help Italy’s public cultural heritage and can deduct 65% of your donation

How to make the donation

Make the donation by bank transfer to the current account in the name of Fondazione Paesaggi Musicali Toscani, indicating the reason for the donation as ART BONUS (after prior contact with the Foundation).