
Give life to Paesaggi Musicali Toscani

What does it mean to support the festival?

It means entering and belonging to a community that promotes the values of Italian and International musical culture immersed in the treasures of the Val d’Orcia.

With your support you can become an integral part of the festival and of the splendid Val d’Orcia.

Together we will contribute to the realization of one of the most important cultural and musical events of Tuscany.

How to support us

Your donation will make it possible for you to enjoy certain exclusive advantages.

You will have the opportunity to live a unique experience between great music and landscapes that are considered among the most beautiful in the world. You will be part of the territory of the Val d’Orcia and you will personally feel its value and culture.

Our way of saying thank you!

With a donation of
500€ – Supporter of the festival

Table for 2 people at the final dinner
together with the musicians

Invitation to the preview
concert of the festival

Your signature on the
Paesaggi Musicali Toscani wall

With a donation of
1000€ / 2000€ – Benefactor of the Festival

Recognition as Patron PMT

Table for 4 people at the final dinner together with the musicians

Invitation to the preview
concert of the festival

Your signature on the
Paesaggi Musicali Toscani wall

With a donation of
3000€ / 5000€ – Patron of the Festival

Recognition as Patron PMT

Table for 6 people at the final dinner together with the musicians

Invitation to the preview
concert of the festival

Your signature on the
Paesaggi Musicali Toscani wall

Art Bonus
Donating to culture in Italy brings advantages to both the recipients and the donor

Supporting Paesaggi Musicali Toscani, you are helping Italy’s cultural patrimony and you can write off 65% of your donation.

Modality of payment

Effettuare l’erogazione tramite bonifico bancario sul conto corrente intestato a:

Milano Classica Orchestra Da Camera
IBAN: IT94 S030 6909 615100000000 659

“Art Bonus – Milano Classica – Sostegno alle attività concertistiche 2024”

Indicate the Codice Fiscale (Tax number) or P.IVA of the donor
Keep the receipt of the operation

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